The Isometric Diet and Stable Health

The isometric theory has been a part of the health care lexicon for decades. The most normal application of the term, until now, has been with regard to physical exercise. Delivered from the Greek root word Iso, meaning equal, the familiar term Isometric exercises involves applying equal weight to accomplish strength goals.

Fairly of late, wellness researchers have discovered another novel application of the isometric theory in the health care field: nutrition. These researchers have identified that an isometric approach to diet - a.k.a. the "Isometric Diet" -- can lead to health improvement.

The Isometric Diet, which provides the theoretical base for the Zone Diet, has speedily gained respect from the health and nutrition commune since it applies this clear "balance" lens to the rather perplexed, often misinformed world of dieting. Formed by Dan Duchaine in the mid 90s, and evolved by researchers, for instance, Dr. Barry Sears (founder of the Zone Diet), the Isometric Diet is an eating regimen that calls for a balanced proportion of protein, low-glycemic carbohydrates, and vital fatty acids.

The balanced proportion is the consequence of an overall awareness that the human body does not unavoidably desire, or call for, all types of micronutrients in all situations. While carbohydrates, proteins, and fats do provide the very important building blocks of human life, not all sources of each are optimal in every set of circumstances.

The Isometric Diet consequently takes a holistic approach to eating, and incorporates both macronutrient and micronutrient sources of energy. This goes beyond clearly balancing proteins, carbohydrates and fats. As a substitute, an optimal balance is achieved on a deeper level one that leads to optimal body functioning, normalized blood-glucose levels, a controlled metabolism, and a healthy satiating of hunger.

This optimal balance, and particularly the point concerning healthily satiating hunger, is in absolute contrast to a number of "fad diets", which seek to unnaturally block out hunger. This potentially detrimental suppression frequently forces eaters to experience a weakened immune system, bone density loss, and other adverse consequences of malnutrition.

The Isometric Diet is founded upon five tightly woven beliefs: balance protein variety, unsaturated fats, low glycemic carbohydrates, and awareness of food priority.

Principle One: Balance. The Isometric Diet recognizes the truth that the human body functions at its best while it is fueled by a balanced micronutrient share of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.[i] The optimal share for these three is 1:1:1, or the identical number of calories from proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Principle Two: Protein Diversity. The human body responds in a different way to different sources of protein.[ii] For instance, a post-exercise meal that consists of rapid-assimilating whey protein will have a further advantageous health impact than an intake of caseinate or soy protein. The Isometric Diet hence promotes a blend of protein intake to seek an amino acid balance, and to decide the most correct assimilation swiftness for optimal health.

Principle Three: Unsaturated Fats and MCT's. The Isometric Diet acknowledges that the human body processes saturated fats in a different way from mono- and polyunsaturated fats.[iii] What's more, the diet exploits the fact that there are a number of fats, called Medium Chain Triglycerides or "MCTs", which are shorter chains of 8-10 fatty acids. These MCT chains are shorter, absorb swiftly, and digest exceedingly easily. The consequence is a further efficient digestive system and better results through less effort.[iv]

Principle Four: Low Glycemic Carbohydrates. Healthy eaters are swiftly adopting the Isometric Diet's promotion of carbohydrates that do not provoke the blood-sugar to rise. Dieters can hence use the "glycemic index" (GI) as an intelligent way to measure the body's insulin response to a given food and to examine the intake of "good" carbohydrates.[v]

Principle Five: Awareness of Food Priority. The Isometric Diet is aware that there are naturally occurring micronutrients found in food that supplements, typically, cannot engineer. As such, the Isometric Diet does not propose an eating regimen that persistently replaces food with supplements. Rather, a controlled diet that is prepared by scientifically planned supplements is principally useful.[vi] This is particularly critical in a extraordinarily rapid paced world where eating a complete meal can be quite a challenge. In such cases, the Isometric Diet approves of the supportive value of supplements - provided that such supplements are formed in light of the above four doctrines.

One such supplement that has been engineered inside the framework of these principles, and that is receiving positive acclamation in the wellness care field, is called Isometric, formed by Pennsylvania-based Protica, Inc. Consequently named to reflect its balanced composition and support of the Isometric Diet philosophies, Isometric is a third-generation supplement that provides a complete spectrum of macro- and micronutrients.

Of greater importance to most health-conscious eaters, in spite of this, is Isometric's balanced micronutrient breakdown. Every all-natural 3-fluid-ounce serving - which can be dutifully used as a meal substitute -- delivers 25 grams of low-glycemic carbohydrates, 25 grams of protein, and 10 grams of unsaturated, highly-bioavailable indispensable fatty acids. Of supplementary value to dieters is Isometric's modest 300-calories per serving.

The path to perfect eating balance is an evolving one. The further information that nutritional science uncovers, the more helpful will be the consequential eating regimen.


[i] Source: "Balancing Fats, Proteins, and Carbohydrates". With respect to Network.

[ii] Source: "Picking Your Protein". C-

[iii] Source: " Diet for a Healthy Heart". WebMD.

[iv] Source: "MCT: Do They Really Make it Easier to Lose Weight?".

[v] Source: "Study Shows Benefit from "Good-" Carb Diet". MSNBC.

[vi] Source: "Dietary Supplements No for Diet". CNN.