Urinary Tract Infections, or UTI infections, are a common problem, especially in women. After respiratory infections, UTI infections are the most common type of infection experienced by people. The most common cause of these infections are bacteria, which can be introduced to the urethra by unsanitary hygiene practices, sexual intercourse or waiting for long periods of time before urinating. A frequent urge to urinate, pain or burning upon urination and urine that has a cloudy or white appearance are all signs of a possible urinary tract infection. If you are dealing with such problems, there are many natural, home remedies that may be able to help.
Urinary tract infections are often treated by antibiotics (which can have side effects such as nausea, diarrhea or allergic reactions) or the home remedies listed above. Home remedies may help decrease the number of bacteria or provide UTI relief, but rarely can completely eliminate the infection itself.
Cranberry juice is a well known and clinically proven method to treat UTI infections. However, not many people know that blueberry juice provides similar benefits and can also be used. These juices have antibacterial properties and, in their pure form, can disinfect the urinary tract very efficiently. Unfortunately, additional treatment may be needed to completely rid the body of the UTI infection.
The symptoms of a UTI include cloudy urine, a strong odor, low fever and a painful, constant need to urinate. Many women also experience fatigue, nausea, and a general ill feeling. If the infection is mild, it may often go away on its own without an antibiotic. However, a prescription medication can be necessary to fully remove all the bacteria so that the UTI does not return.
Some home remedies provide UTI relief, but that relief may be only temporary. First and foremost, you should drink plenty of fluids (especially water) to flush out the bladder. Cranberry juice is helpful as well in providing UTI relief, as it inhibits the growth of bacteria and makes it harder for the bacteria to cling to the urinary tract walls. Celery, watermelon and parsley can also contribute to UTI relief by acting as a diuretic and flushing out the bladder.
A natural herb supplement that fights UTI's is called URIZOL which can be found at urizol.com. Urizol is made of all natural ingredients. These natural ingredients work as a diuretic which helps increase urination. They also can boost your immune system and fight infection. It has also been scientifically proven to cleanse, disinfect and protect your urinary system. It protects your urinary system by stimulating white blood cells and increasing their strength to fight infection thus making your fight against UTI's a successful one.