Who wouldn't love to slow down the process of aging? We all search for an anti-aging theory that proves true. Has the Fountain of Youth actually been discovered? Laboratory studies and thorough research has been done repeatedly on antioxidants and aging. Numerous conclusions have found that antioxidants work in the body to slow down the process of aging.
Here's the good news about antioxidants and aging: antioxidants can actually help slow down the effects of aging. By taking in foods rich in antioxidants and a high-quality antioxidant supplement, you may experience certain health benefits such as boosting of the immune system and slowing down of the aging process in one's skin, organs, and cells.
Antioxidants are naturally found in certain fruits and veggies. They have been proven to protect the human cells in the body from oxidative damage. They also provide a stronger resistance in the immune system for protection against flu, infections and viruses. Many of those consuming antioxidant-rich foods are those that have cancer. Another benefit is the reduction of cholesterol problems and heart disease. The risk of getting glaucoma and macular degeneration is nearly prevented. Of course, over all the body sees aging slowed down in every aspect.
Free radicals, which are the substances that cause damage to our cells, are caused by our mere breathing, eating, and all other activities that we do on a daily basis. They can also increase the more we get exposed to the pollutants in the environment. While free radicals in lower levels are not harmful to us, when they start to increase their damaging potential grows too. They can cause illnesses and poor health. Antioxidants are the best defenses against free radicals in the body. Some of the common antioxidants found in food sources are Vitamins A, C, and E, and the minerals zinc, beta-carotene, selenium, and all of the phytonutrient carotenoids.
Antioxidants eliminate oxidation in people's bodies by working in the organs, cells, skin and tissues. The more phytonutrient carotenoids that you have in your body, the healthier you will be.
As mentioned, people can easily get antioxidants from different food sources, but the problem is that one can only eat so much fruit and vegetables in a day, and still not get enough antioxidants for optimal health. A high-quality supplement that contains antioxidants can augment your diet of fruits and vegetables.
The main list of antioxidant rich fruits and veggies are: tomatoes, berries, oranges, pink grapefruit, beets, red peppers, carrots, apricots, plums, peaches, papaya, red grapes, broccoli, spinach, greens, and Brussels sprouts
You should aim to get as many of these foods in your daily diet as possible. If you struggle to do so, then consider taking a high-quality antioxidant supplement.