Kava Kava Benefits

Let's drink to kava kava, my friends! Long known as the drink of choice in the South Pacific islands, kava kava is a drink that leaves a relaxed and refreshed feeling without impairing your concentration. Imagine drinking it after a hard day?s work and not having to worry about any hangover whatsoever! This drink is filled with what are called kavalectones. These have a positive effect on GABA, dopamine and norepinephrine, which are three important neurotransmitters found in the body. It's not really clear how the kavalectones work, but that these are able to give the drinker a feeling of contentment and relaxation.

Kava kava has a number of benefits. It helps you deal with insomnia by giving you better-quality sleep: this means that you are able to sleep more quickly and with less fuss, and that your sleep would be the satisfyingly deep ones.

Those who are depressed can look into this as part of their treatment: some say that it works basically the same way as diazepam. It gets rid of the blues by improving your moods. You will become less prone to panic attacks, anxiety attacks and palpitations.

Also, kaka kava helps those who want to look better and weigh less. Kava kava blunts your appetite for food and flushes out excess fluid in the body. The result? You lose weight and your body looks toned and sexier. In addition, those who suffer from backaches, cramps and a stiff neck can find help in kava kava. Since this works to relax the body?s muscles, you will have less muscle spasms and with it, less pain associated with the spasms. You may also use kava kava for problems such as lack of libido, the lack of ability to "perform", tract infections and to help with symptoms caused by menopause.

You may also use kava kava to increase libido and to answer erectile problems. You can also ask your doctor how it can be used to treat urinary tract infections as well as difficulties caused by menstruation.

Kava kava is not only taken as a drink, it also comes in soft-gel, capsule and tablet form. Now, when drinking kava kava you should do it in moderation and with care. Too much can produce liver damage. Other side effects include hypertension, the loss of muscle control and problems with blood clotting.