In 2009 leading pharmacies confessed that they didn't believe homeopathic medicine could improve your health. However, despite this discovery and repeated scientific studies which prove that homeopathy achieves little health benefits, the National Health Service still spent more than four million pounds in 2009 developing homeopathic remedies.
Shocked by the NHS and Boot's "no harm" theories to homeopathy, more than three hundred sceptics are now planning to get involved in a group homeopathic overdose to help increase awareness about the fact that homeopathic remedies do not work.
During this public exhibition which is set to take place on the 30th January 2010, all three hundred protestors will publicly swallow an entire bottle of 60 homeopathic tablets to prove that they are nothing more than fakes and encourage pharmacies to stop selling them
What is Homeopathy?
Described by many as "all natural herbal medicine" most of the ingredients found within this commonly accepted complementary medicine are so dilute that there really is nothing to them.
Yet further research into the discovery of homeopathy has unveiled that it is not strictly an herbal medicine, but is based on three ideas discovered in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann.
Three theories which are still used today:
- The Law of Similars the theory where the cause of your symptoms can also cause them i.e. taking caffeine to solve insomnia - The Law of Infinitesimals where the more diluted the remedy is from water, the more concentrated it will be - The Law of Succession where vigorous mixing of a homeopathic solution would further increase its strength
Reviewing this historical background, it is easy to see why demonstrators are asking the government to command the NIHCE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) to evaluate whether it is appropriate for the NHS to pay for homeopathy. Providing limited if any results, all scientific studies have the same conclusion that they will not improve your health.