Cells in a persons body use and need magnesium. Magnesium is found in 1% of a humans blood, but also found in body tissue, organs, and in bones. Without magnesium a persons body systems would not operate correctly. However, obtaining the properly needed amount of magnesium from foods is not always known. That is why many people may add a magnesium supplement to their diet.
The majority of the bodys magnesium comes from eating green vegetables, nuts, various seeds, and even from varieties of whole grains. The problem is that many people don't get enough of magnesium because they do not eat proper diets that contain all four-food groups. Without a balanced diet a person may be unable to get the magnesium that they may need.
Magnesium is found in foods such as tofu, legumes, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, bananas and even chocolate.
If your dietary intake is not adequate taking a magnesium supplement daily can help provide you with the magnesium your body requires. Additionally, magnesium supplements are easy to obtain from your local grocery or drug store as well as in specialty vitamin stores.
If your dietary intake is not adequate taking a magnesium supplement daily can help provide you with the magnesium your body requires. Additionally, magnesium supplements are easy to obtain from your local grocery or drug store as well as in specialty vitamin stores.